CFER Foundation


Don't Divide Us

Defend and Advance Equal Rights & Merit!

We Are in A

Cultural War

The woke culture is destroying America and its future generations!

We need all hands on deck to stop the attacks on our cultural values and our kids. All Americans must ACT NOW!

Our Values

Equality & Merit

Free Speech

Fact Seeking & Logical Reasoning

Agency & Personal Empowerment

Accountability, Hard-work & Grit

Their Propaganda

Equity, Identity Politics & Lowering Standards

Safe Space & Speech Code

Emotional Pleas & Lived Experience

Victimhood & Group Grievances

Entitlement & Racial Spoils

Woke CultureHarms Everyone

It has invaded our schools, workplaces, communities and homes. In practice, it often takes on euphemisms such as Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), Racial Justice, Allyship, Critical Consciousness...

Eroding Free Speech

  • At Stanford, the Association Dean for DEI joined student protestors in hijacking a federal judge's speech.

Undermining Competitveness

  • Silicon Valley Bank collapsed after rolling out DEI programs.
  • Chronic absenteeism of California students worsened with lowered standards.

Exacerbating Kids' Mental Health Issues

  • A 2022 survey: 62% of college students felt uncomfortable speaking up.
  • A 2023 survey: 50% of 18-21-year-olds fear criticizing a peer of a difference race.

Displaying Evidence of Failure

  • It's a multi-billon-dollar industrial complex that's failing.
  • 62% of U.S. workers say DEI programs aren't working.

Recent Posts

See here a list of CFER's press releases, media advisories and action alerts.

AllianceDEIEventSchool Board

Frank Xu

July 15, 2024

Freedom is NOT free. We need to be more courageous than ever!

We need to work hard to stop the division caused by the illiberal ideology of race-baiting identity politics which inevitably leads to discrimination and constitutional violations. Every one must be treated equally and fairly, which is the only way to unite we, the people. We need to work hard to stop the damages caused by the dogma of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).



June 28, 2024

A Big Win! Race-preferential ACA7 Will Stay Off the November General Election Ballot

Since the California State Senate has not scheduled any committee hearing for ACA7, we can conclude that the proposal is not headed towards the ballot this year. With a Democratic supermajority in Sacramento and the state assembly’s strong push to revive racial discrimination through ACA7, this development is certainly a pleasant surprise.

LegislativeEthnic StudiesAlliance


May 22, 2024

Another Small Victory! A Race-Preferential Bill Got Paused in the California Legislature

AB 2030 is now “held under submission” after failing to clear the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 16. While the status change does not prelude the bill from being set for a future hearing, it means that the author has indicated a change of mind and that AB 2030 will most likely be stopped at the committee level. Alas, another divisive, race-obsessed, and identity-based piece of legislation bites the dust!

School Board


April 30, 2024

Breaking News and Long Overdue! Poway Unified Superintendent Phelps is Terminated Today

11 months after Poway Unified Superintendent Marian Phelps abused her power to harasses Del Norte High School softball team players, the Poway Unified School District Board (PUSD) held a special board meeting earlier today and eventually terminated her, effectively immediately. This is an important victory for educational accountability and transparency, as the PUSD Board finally considered the community’s rightful outrage and weighed all evidence in its independent investigation into the former superintendent’s wrongdoing.


Defend merit and advance equality.

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