CFER Foundation


Published March 15, 2023

Join Us in Temecula Valley on March 22 for a School Board Workshop on CRT!

CRTSchool BoardAction Alert

Join us on Wednesday, March 22nd for an informative forum on critical race theory (CRT) hosted by the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) Board. Organized for the purpose of educating parents, students, teachers and the school board on the ramifications of allowing and endorsing CRT-inspired teaching in K-12 classrooms, this highly anticipated event will gather the local community and experts including Dr. Joe Nalven (CFER Advisor) and Dr. Wenyuan Wu (CFER Executive Director).




Join us on Wednesday, March 22nd for an informative forum on critical race theory (CRT) hosted by the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) Board.

Organized for the purpose of educating parents, students, teachers and the school board on the ramifications of allowing and endorsing CRT-inspired teaching in K-12 classrooms, this highly anticipated event will gather the local community and experts including Dr. Joe Nalven (CFER Advisor) and Dr. Wenyuan Wu (CFER Executive Director).

As you may recall, a recent study by the Manhattan Institute documented the aggressive invasion of far-left ideological indoctrination. 93% of survey respondents reported being taught or hearing about at least one of the eight critical social justice concepts listed in the study. More importantly, 85% of public schoolers, 73% of parochial schoolers, 82% of non-religious private schoolers, and 83% of homeschoolers reported being indoctrinated on at least one such concept. (You can read more about this study in a succinct analysis by Dr. Wu.)

Pushing against the cultural tide of wokeism in spite of threats and pressure from the woke mob, teachers' union and justice warriors, the newly elected TVUSD School Board, with three independent and courageous members, is determined and proactive. Board President Dr. Joseph Komrosky, Board Clerk Jennifer Wiersma, and Trustee Danny Gonzalez first demonstrated their servant leadership and willingness to engage with the community by passing two board resolutions encouraging political impartiality and discouraging race-based teaching in December 2022 at their very first board meeting! Consequently, TVUSD teachers are not allowed to inculcate students with CRT-related concepts such as race essentialism and race determinism (Resolution No. 2022-23/21). Neither does the school district allow any racist conduct or racism that erodes equal treatment. (Resolution No. 2022-23/20).

Although the other side responded with a shameful campaign of cancellation threats, naming and shaming, and strikes, these servant leaders have refused to cave in to mob pressure and continued to serve in their elected roles of gatekeepers for public education. They understand that the key is to build awareness in their community with facts and truths and now they have put together a diverse panel of experts to help kickstart this monumental task.

Friend, unlike those who succumb to hyper-partisan impulses that place identity politics over merit and principles, as demonstrated by the elevation of Corrin Rankin to the CAGOP Vice Chair, TVUSD's independent school board members and concerned community stakeholders have their eyes set on the right target: to save America and our next generation from the intrusion of Race Marxism at the local level! Please support them, cheer them on and engage with them by attending the upcoming CRT board workshop on March 22nd. You can participate:

  1. In-person at 6pm at James L. Day Middle School (40775 Camino Campos Verdes, Temecula, CA 92591).
  2. Virtually via YouTube live at this link.

If you know any friends or family members who may be interested in this very timely topic, please spread the word. As always, CFER is a faithful partner to many emerging local endeavors that seek to challenge the woke status quo. We are happy to assist the local heroes with resources, outreach, and more because CFER believes that seeds of change lie in every local community where hearts and minds must be changed. If you agree with our vision and believe in our work, will you please make a kind donation to CFER today?


Wenyuan Wu

About Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER):

We are a non-partisan and non-profit organization established following the defeat of Proposition 16 in 2020, with a mission to defend and raise public awareness on the cause of equal rights through public education, civic engagement and community outreach. In 1996, California became the first U.S. state to amend its constitution by passing Proposition 209 to ban racial discrimination and preferences. Prop. 209 requires that “the state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.” CFER is dedicated to educating the public on this important constitutional principle of equal treatment.


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