CFER Foundation


Published March 29, 2023

Send Public Comments to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission to Demand Equal Treatment and Equal Protection to Combat Anti-Asian Discrimination

Join CFER in an effort to urge the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Commission to consider our demands for equal protection and equal treatment at the federal level as the fundamental safeguard against discrimination, bias and racism against Asian Americans. Between now and April 24, 2023, you can submit a written comment to the Commission via email ( Please act now to make our voices heard by the Federal Government. The principles of equal rights and equal protection for all, regardless of race, are foundational guarantees against discrimination of any kind.




Please join CFER in an effort to urge the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Commission to consider our demands for equal protection and equal treatment at the federal level as the fundamental safeguard against discrimination, bias and racism against Asian Americans.

Between now and April 24, 2023, you can submit a written comment to the Commission via email ( Please act now to make our voices heard by the Federal Government. The principles of equal rights and equal protection for all, regardless of race, are foundational guarantees against discrimination of any kind.

On March 24, 2023, CFER Executive Director Dr. Wenyuan Wu testified at the U.S. Civil Rights Commission in a public briefing on “The Federal Response to Anti-Asian Racism in the United States.” In her testimony, Dr. Wu drew on official crime data and statistical evidence of discrimination to make three main points:

  1. Criminal incidents targeting Asian Americans are egregious and must be addressed in the context of rising threats to public safety in general. The alarming increase in violent crime across the country matters to Asian Americans regardless of whether the particular crime is classified as a “hate crime” or not.
  2. Framing anti-Asian hate crimes and bias incidents in the narrative of systemic racism or hate misleads the public on conceptual, methodological and moral grounds. Among other things, it focuses attention on relatively minor incidents that do not constitute crimes at all, while it ignores violent crime the motivations that don’t happen to be classified by the police authorities as “hate crimes.”
  3. Persistent discrimination against Asian American students in education, justified under the names of diversity, equity and race-based affirmative action, is a much more salient and consequential form of anti-Asian discrimination.

You can check out Dr. Wu’s detailed written statement here. Other subject matter experts, including Manhattan Institute Fellow Charles Lehman, Center for Equal Opportunity President Devon Westhill, Asian American Legal Foundation Co-Founder Lee Cheng and Lowell Alumni Association Board Member Diane Yap, testified in alignment. Together, these expert witnesses urged for strengthening law enforcement, supporting equal education rights and doing away with ideological obsessions with equity and anti-racism.

Sadly, all the left-leaning experts at the March 24 public briefing promoted the identity politics narrative of “Stop Asian Hate” with exaggerated data and emotional pleadings. Rather than confronting the realities of rising crimes in major U.S. cities and systemic discrimination against Asian American students in education, they put forward a theatrical performance demanding ideological warfare against white supremacy and more federal funding to their cause. Some experts even lambasted our side for endorsing anti-Blackness for pointing out obvious crime patterns! Much to our surprise the Staff Director of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights actively tried to prevent the witnesses at the public briefing from discussing this issue.

Without equal treatment and equal protection as the fundamental civil rights guaranteed to all Americans, including Asian Americans, measures to funnel public funds towards raising awareness on systemic racism and collecting hate incidents data are window-dressing attempts. No genuine public awareness building or community building will be accomplished when resources and policy focuses are misguided by ideology and identity politics.

To better understand public opinions and attitudes within the Asian American community, members of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission are seeking comments on anti-Asian discrimination. Your comment will be included in the Commission’s record so it is important that you voice your concerns for real anti-Asian discrimination in school admissions as a systemic issue harming the Asian-American community. Please also support Dr. Wu’s testimony by asking the Commission to fully consider her written statement and calls for improving public safety and promoting equal rights. You can submit your comment via email at!

Thanks to your trust, CFER is building a positive track record in the area of advancing equality. We will continue to amplify the mission and expand our operations through various channels. I hope that you will continue to support us with a kind donation today!

Thank you in advance!


Wenyuan Wu

About Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER):

We are a non-partisan and non-profit organization established following the defeat of Proposition 16 in 2020, with a mission to defend and raise public awareness on the cause of equal rights through public education, civic engagement and community outreach. In 1996, California became the first U.S. state to amend its constitution by passing Proposition 209 to ban racial discrimination and preferences. Prop. 209 requires that “the state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.” CFER is dedicated to educating the public on this important constitutional principle of equal treatment.


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